Right Click Save (ブロックチェーン上のアートについての批判的な会話を促進することを目的としたオンライン マガジン ※注1) に日本のジェネラティブアーティストたちにフォーカスした記事が発表されました。記事の中で私Senbakuもインタビューに答えさせて頂いています!
Right Click Save (The online magazine that seeks to drive critical conversation about art on the blockchain. *Note 1) has published an article focusing on Japanese generative artists. Senbaku was interviewed in the article!
It is a very exciting article to know that there are so many people in Japan who create generative art, and that they are thinking and working on it from different perspectives. I am very honored and pleased to be featured with people I respect and admire. Wow!
If you are interested, please take a look~!
注1) : https://www.rightclicksave.com/about より引用
Note1 : Quote from https://www.rightclicksave.com/about